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Ethics at Michelin

We are all guarantors of the values, reputation, image and heritage that the Michelin Group builds and strengthens over time, to assure the protection of its employees and its sustainability.

Michelin Code of Ethics

The Michelin Code of Ethics applies to all Group employees without exception, as well as to people working on our sites or on behalf of a Group entity, all over the world.

Michelin also encourages its customers, suppliers and other partners to adhere to this Code; in many cases the respect of this Code is made a condition of doing business with the Group. In terms of ethics, respect of national and international laws is a basic principle for the Group.

This Code reiterates the Group's fundamental values ​​and describes the basic rules to be observed. It indicates the guidelines that should govern the decisions of employees and stakeholders. It specifies the behaviors to adopt in typical situations for each work environment.

Each employee, partner or supplier is called upon to exercise judgment and common sense and to act in good faith when faced with other situations that may arise that are not specifically treated in this Code. 

Michelin Group Ethics Line

Michelin’s sustainable success is dependent upon its employees conducting business with integrity and in full compliance with regulations, legislation, as well as corporate operating policies and procedures.

Ethical and compliant business behavior that reflects our corporate values is important for employees, customers, shareholders, and for business in general. Michelin depends on you to safeguard the organization's reputation and protect it from financial and legal harm.

This Website enables you as a Michelin employee; business partner or external entity/person, to report concerns in a confidential manner. Reports can be made by identifying yourself or you can remain anonymous. This reporting program may be used for the report of a variety of ethics, integrity and compliance issues. Your willingness to come forward is important to our ability to ensure ethical conduct in all of our activities.Access the Michelin Ethics Hotline